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A pact between
humans and nature


Safari Sunrise

Activities will include educational support in subjects such as; math tutoring, writing, art therapy, culinary skills, and even swimming lessons. Our areas of concentration for this trip will be to educate and support the girls on mental and sexual health awareness and life skills. We also will have an opportunity to help them with their school assignments, learn a new skill, and make connections with caring volunteers from the United States. Our humanitarian volunteer program is more than a mission to Africa; it’s a connection with an orphaned child who needs hope.

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Our project

Chege Village, a grass-roots charity that helps orphaned children get an education and life skills, will be working with volunteers on a mission trip to Nakuru, Kenya during August 2024. Using a peer-to-peer model, volunteers worked with orphaned girls aged 12-18 on the topics of sex education and mental health. This is a pressing need for these adolescents.

During our 2023 summer camp with our Chege girls, they engaged in an empowering art project, creating visual representations of their self-perceptions and writing positive affirmations about themselves to foster self-esteem and a sense of community.

A bit of history

Our first group of children first joined the family over a decade ago. Since then we have had multiple children join our family and seen them grow over the years. This year we brought together the first group, who are all now grown adults with the current group of girls. It is beautiful to see how our legacy has been built over the years by these amazing children that we got to play a part in there raising. Though they were challenges over the years, we are glad to see just how much everyone has grown.

The children had a short break from school for end of term and we decided to take them all to a house in the hills of Nakuru so that we could have a getaway together. This allowed us to bond and to rest together, we also invited the older children who are now all adults living independently. This report will showcase the time we spent together, will appreciate all the support we received and share the joy that we experienced.

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