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A shared
human story


Safari Sunrise

Creating luxurious safari experiences that respect people and the land is best practice in bussines. Our Kenyan roots go back for generations, to a time when animals were shot with guns not cameras.

Today, we seek a more harmonious future, never forgetting that this combination of luxury standards and

good stewardship has to deliver stunningly memorable holidays for individuals, couples and families.

Our aim is to help our guests reconnect with what really matters: nature, time and our shared human spirit.



We are committed to show you the wildest Kenya, to help you repair the gap between man and beast that separates us from our own nature and to be respectful of all forms of life that inhabit our planet.



All our trips include a solidarity component, with your help, we want to be part of the change. We actively collaborate with numerous humanitarian projects in Kenya, in pursuit of education and child protection.



This trip will be an experience in itself, it will be much more than its wildlife, breathtaking landscapes and wonderful people, here you will get in touch with your deepest emotions and thoughts, in the land of our ancestors.


Siamanda Chege

Siamanda Chege is a remarkable entrepreneur known as the visionary behind
BebeRavi Collections and the compassionate heart behind the Chege Village. Her journey started in the world of high fashion as a model, but a profound shift
occurred when she welcomed her first daughter into the world. Driven by her
passion to make a meaningful impact on the lives of women and children,
Siamanda embarked on a transformative mission.

In 2006, she gave life to BébéRavi, a clothing and accessories brand that not only delivers high-end fashion to international markets but also serves as a beacon of hope for local village women facing unemployment challenges. In a country where rural unemployment for women soars above 40%, Siamanda chose to empower these women, providing them with employment opportunities and a sense of purpose. Siamanda´s benevolence extends beyond the world of fashion. She is also the driving force behind Chege Village, an extended foster care initiative. This vital project offers orphaned children shelter, nourishment, healthcare, and crucial emotional support. Education is at the core of this endeavor, ensuring these young lives have the tools to create a brighter future.

Siamanda´s influence goes beyond borders. She frequently serves as a panel
speaker at the United Nations and various fashion schools, advocating for
sustainability in the fashion industry.

Her inspiring work has garnered attention from prestigious outlets such as WWD,
MSNBC, CBS, the Huffington Post, Milkshake, and Tonic. In 2006, she founded
The Chege Village a non-profit organization based in Nakuru, Kenya, which acts
as a sanctuary for 20 children in need.

Siamanda´s life is a tale of two cities, as she divides her time between the vibrant
energy of New York City and the serene landscapes of Kenya, where she continues to make a profound impact on the lives of many.

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Alexandra Seegers

Expert in marketing and communication strategies, sustainability and social impact.

With twenty years of experience advising corporate foundations, global non-profit organizations and companies through 360 ° communications plans: branding strategies, digital marketing, corporate social responsibility, storytelling, sustainability and fundraising. In addition to being a photographer, audiovisual producer, author, journalist and friend of ethnic groups.

She lives between New York and Madrid. Having been creative director of advertising, her current work focuses on issues linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, such as women's empowerment, education for girls, climate change, sustainable consumption, underwater life, peace and justice. As well as in matters related to cultural heritage and preservation of ethnic groups.

Recognized by the EFE agency and author of numerous articles for international news magazines. Alexandra has worked from her integrated marketing and communication agency - - which she founded in New York, with the UN, the Red Cross, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Unicef, Unesco, Africare, Ocean Generation, Womanity Foundation, Promujer and Ferrari among others. This has led her to encompass and document solidarity projects through out Asia, Africa and Latin America.

With about 100 countries visited and a polyglot in five languages, her passion is the contact with local people, which led to her photographic book ‘Scattered Joy’, based on the ethnic groups she lived with in Southeast Asia. An exhibition at the UN reflects all this work. Alexandra is also working on a documentary in Morocco, focused on the subject of women empowerment. It covers an ancestral equestrian festival part of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.

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